Dental Implant Lecture
The dental implant lecture can be the first external marketing venture that you test. You are not committed to a long-term program. Therefore, you can try different marketing venues to see what attracts patients to the office for your lecture. Inside this folder, you’ll find all of the materials that we use for our lecture.
As of June 2019, the following methods are what we are using to market the lecture.
- Radio–Our best radio station is a 60’s rock station.
- Social Media–Chestin Salisbury of develops Facebook ads to get people to the lecture. Be aware that using this method, you’ll get at least twice as many people saying that they will attend as do actually attend.
- Newspaper–Newspaper ads are fizzling fast. While our local paper was the only method of marketing the lecture, it now barely produces. We are experimenting with the digital component, but have no data to report.
- We put the lecture on our website.
- We have a monthly newsletter that we send out to every email address that we have. We do that through Constant Contact.
- We have flyers in our operatories and reception.
We are spending around $6000 for marketing. We spend about $200 on food that we get from our favorite Thai and sushi restaurant. Sushi is not popular, but the more conventional appetizers are.
Here is the suggested order to study this course: