Welcome to a one-of-a-kind program for dental specialists
For decades, specialists have relied almost solely upon general dentists to refer patients to them for care. With the advent of itinerant specialists, corporate dentistry, and generalists’ unwillingness to refer, specialists are seeing fewer patients in their practices. Some specialists are changing those dynamics and are seeing new patients first, without referral.
This is where the Institute for Dental Specialists enters
A decade ago, Periodontist Lee Sheldon created a new form of patient management along with marketing that helped rocket his practice forward. Starting with a large, referral-based practice, he developed a system to attract new patients to him while still retaining referrals. He was then able to refer his patients to the best restorative dentists. The result–better control over patient outcomes while achieving spectacular growth. He learned from consultants as well as from general dentists what worked for them. Then through careful implementation of strategies, discarding what didn’t work and refining what did work, he created a modular program that has helped specialists all over the country.
The Institute will offer a two-day program of intensive training for specialists and their office staffs who want to change the dynamics of their practices and develop a new course for success. The Institute for Dental Specialists will give these courses in five locations throughout the U.S. in 2018. These courses are for every specialist who wants to grow his or her practice, whether a referral practice or not. In fact, most Institute trainees are maintaining their best referrers while expanding their practices. The principles taught through the Institute for Dental Specialists have proven successful for our clients time and time again.
In just a few weeks of promoting these courses to dental specialists, we are seeing tremendous interest from those who desire to attend Institute programs. These specialists will learn skills that once were thought only to be within the purview of generalists.
Click the locations below for more information on our upcoming events!
June 22-23, 2018 | Saddlebrook, NJ |