You know everything comes out of our word processors now and everybody is therefore used to getting typewritten letters. The personal, handwritten letter has so much more impact than it ever did before because it is so unique. We may not be able to write a complete personal letter to every patient or every referring doctor that we work with, but in the typewritten letters that go out to our patients, for example the Welcome to the Practice letter, why not put a personal note at the bottom of the page. It might be one or two sentences. It might be a phrase, “Looking forward to meeting you.”  “Thanks for calling our office. I look forward to seeing you.” Write that in ink at the bottom. Yes, I know. Our handwriting isn’t all that great. We might have to upgrade that a little bit or write a little more slowly, but I can tell you the personal message at the end of the typewritten page can mean another point in differentiating you.

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