Director of Dentistry–The Written Agenda

By Dr. Lee Sheldon
We talk about Director of Dentistry. What is Director of Dentistry all about?  Part of the concept is that we are directing the  dentistry for patients. We are doing the treatment plan and we are making sure the treatment plan is executed correctly. We can do that as individuals as well as leaders of group practices.   But the concept of director of dentistry is not just with regard to patient care. It’s also in regard to running the  business portion of your practice.
Let me give you a typical example–a staff meeting. Any staff meeting in a corporate setting would have a written agenda for everyone so that everybody knows what is going to be discussed.  Are you doing that at your staff meeting?  I suggest that you do. Here’s the agenda that we use in our office, guided by the Hubbard Management System:
  1. Flaps and handlings.  What is the problem and what is the solution to that problem. You can’t bring up a problem without a solution.
  2. Wins. What did we do well and what are we celebrating? Everyone can talk about their wins.
  3. Statistics.
  4. Formula for the week or the action plan for the week.
If you just use this basic structure you are creating an agenda. In doing so, you are providing structure for your office, something that every good staff member wants. Write out the agenda in advance, and distribute it to everybody, either before the meeting or at the meeting.

Written agendas make a big difference in setting the tone for professionalism in your office.  It will elevate your staff to a new level of performance.