Image enhancement is a big part of what we do in public relations. One of the simplest ways of enhancing one’s image is the email address.  If we are still using older services, or even generic services, we make look “dated.”  Today’s email address includes your name, or the name of your practice, within the email address. So mine is
It’s pretty simple. You can go to Google My Business, and you can select a practice name or whatever name that you want. You then have your own practice name rather than gmail, AOL, Hotmail, or any of those other services attached to your email address. This is an add-on service to Google for which you pay a small monthly fee. In addition, you get administrative capabilities. Each staff member gets his or her own email address. If for some reason Lisa happened to leave, the administrator can cancel that email address and retain all of the emails so that you have good continuity of care for your patients.
Look at this practice enhancement. It could  protect your vital email information and improve your practice image.

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