Dear Colleagues,

Here is the IDS schedule for the coming twelve months. Click here for the schedule.

The next year of the IDS will be our best year ever, providing you with new strategies to propel your periodontal practice. New patients, staff motivation, getting everyone on the same page, and accelerating your growth will be our concentrations this year.

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The seminars for each month will introduce a new strategy in the first webinar and how to implement that strategy in the second webinar. Strategies are designed to support both the referral practice as well as the independent practice.  All the extras that to help you with your practice; professional video, DVD’s of every session, unlimited email support, and the Monday Morning Minute will make your training and your growth a cinch.  Show the webinar to your staff via the DVD, duplicate the strategy or map out your own together, and implement it. YOU WILL GROW YOUR PRACTICE!

We are creating the second edition of The Perio Dilemma…How to Thrive Now and should have that done by the end of the year. You will receive the new edition as part of your membership.  We also have a second book coming out for the periodontist. We hope to have that ready for the AAP in Boston.

One additional motivated patient a month?  That would more than pay for your membership. And if you apply the information fully, you’ll see much more than that.

All the best,

Danyel and Lee

P.S. Please forward this to your colleagues. For every new member you recommend who joins the IDS, you will receive two months of membership in the IDS absolutely free in thanks for that recommendation.

Want to learn more about how the IDS can help you?

Email us at  IDS membership and IDS consulting can make every periodontal practice better.

IDS Membership Form