For the past 20 years we have had a tradition in our office, and that’s at least once a year we send our staff out for training. And it’s not for training in procedures, it’s for training in communication. What do I mean? We all know how to communicate, but there are ways in which we can have dedicated communication and really active communication with other staff members and particularly with our patients. These skills can be taught. These skills can be learned. These skills need to be drilled, by the way. It isn’t just something you tell somebody. You actually practice it and you do it until you do it really, really well.  We have been sending our staff, as I said, for 20 years doing exactly that with the results being that patients feel really well cared for and staff feel that they are effective and they are more effective at communication. Add to that a sales course.   This isn’t something where you are being sneaky. It’s actually an enhancement of the communication skills that have already been learned.  Those sales techniques are used so patients feel that they are being communicated with and listened to.  Why? Because they really are being communicated with.  Therefore they have the opportunity and feel open to ask questions and ultimately when those questions are satisfied, then they accept treatment.  The organization that we use is Silkin Management. They run sales and communication courses all over the country. They are in Portland, Oregon. So give them a call. It’s something that has enhanced our practice for years and I know will enhance yours.

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