An AAIP Breakthrough

Wednesday, February 22nd – 9 PM Eastern, 6 PM Pacific

In the Areas Essential for the Success of the Periodontal and Specialist Practice
This is for all specialists, whether AAIP members or not.

Click Here to Register.

You are looking for the next rung on the ladder. Or maybe the ladder is slipping out from under you. You’ve listened to lectures, found some useful, but there’s a big jump from a lecture to implementation. And then there’s the time to train, knowing what is correct and what is not, and training is not your specialty.  And how often do you hear something from someone who really doesn’t understand the ins and outs of the periodontal and specialty practice, particularly now.

You’ve seen your referral base slip, seen the intrusion into your practice as your best referral sources hire periodontists and other specialists to work part time in their practices. Or they start doing the procedures themselves. How do you make up for that?

Well, we’ve been there. We know exactly what you’re experiencing, because I’m a periodontist and Danyel is an office manager that supervised the transition that you well know about by now. (If you haven’t heard what we’ve done, please reply by email, and I’ll bring you up to date.) It’s important enough that the AAP, the Seattle Study Club, the board of NASP, as well as state societies have asked us to speak.

It is an answer to the periodontal doldrums, the scratching the head, losing sleep at night, not knowing when the next shoe will drop…and where!

We’ve designed a special webinar to show you the 7 essential elements to recreating your specialty practice.  Adopt these 7 elements and you are on the road to independence.

And we’ll introduce the educational modules to make that happen with training done by the faculty of the AAIP specifically for your office. In fact, most training will take place in your office with you and your staff together.

If you’ve decided that you need to move to a new answer, and want that answer from a specialist, a periodontist that has been where you are and an office manager who literally built systems from scratch to create another banner year of over 20% practice growth, then join us for this one hour webinar on Wednesday, February 22, at 9 PM Eastern, 6 PM Pacific.

Find out the 7 key elements to the successful periodontal practice and how you can start on that road tomorrow.

Space on this webinar is limited. Reserve your space by clicking on the link. Click Here to Register.

We look forward to sharing this information that is critical to your practice.

Lee Sheldon
Danyel Joyner