
Yesterday, I was grocery shopping at Paradise Health Food in Melbourne. My usual thing is to buy portabello mushrooms that I can roast to add to a salad that Eleanor and I make. (I’ll be happy to tell you about all of the ingredients in the salad. Just email me...

IDS Weekly Tip: Dedicated New Patient Scheduling

Block scheduling is something you have heard about. So the first part of block scheduling is the new patient examination. I just had an opportunity of interviewing Jason Stoner who is a very successful periodontist in Columbus, Ohio, and he talked about the importance...

IDS Weekly Tip: Ethics First

As periodontists, I believe that our charge is to preserve the ethics of the profession. Those who have been in perio for a long time know that in fact our goal is predictability. Our goal is stability for the patient.  It is we who have been trained in diagnosis and...

IDS Weekly Tip: Present the Case at the First Visit

Question for you. When’s the best time to present the treatment plan? I know that some of you gather the data, see the patient for a second visit, and then present the treatment plan. You want the opportunity of discussing it with the referring dentist first, or want...

IDS Weekly Tip: Elevate Your Responsibility

You have listened a bit to what we said last month in our position paper,  but let’s take that position paper a little bit farther. The position paper essentially says that we are periodontists and we can and should elevate our responsibility for the patient, elevate...